Relationship between physical activity and academic performance in adolescents School.


Physical activity, academic performance, self-concept and self-esteem.


It seems that physical activity practiced regularly brings great benefits to the health of adolescents. The present work had like aim study the existent relations between the practice of physical activity, the academic performance, the self-concept (academic, social, emotional, familiar and physicist) and the self-esteem of the teenagers given the importance that according to the literature has the physical exercise on these variables. For such end worked with a sample of teenagers (N=98) of different sex and age. The results indicate a correlation inversely proportional, significant (p< .001) and drop (r= -,38) between the physical activity and the qualifications of the students and directly proportional but no significant with the rest of variables to exception of the self-concept academic that yes is significant (p< .05) with a low intensity (r= .21). Results seem to contradict, at least partially, to what has come with regard to the relation between the practice of physical activity and the academic performance, but yes seem to be congruent regarding the improvement of the self-concept.


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How to Cite

Relationship between physical activity and academic performance in adolescents School. (2016). Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 9(1). Retrieved from


