Involvement in physical education classes and academic achievement in adolescents


  • Ana Soto-Rubio Universitat de València
  • Sergio Borredá Nadal Universidad Católica de Valencia
  • María del Carmen Giménez Espert Universidad Europea de Valencia


Physical activity, involvement, academic performance, physical education and adolescents.


Physical education according to Vizuete (2005), represents an essential element in the harmonious, complete and balanced development of the person during his life. In the school educational process, through the realization of this subject contributes to develop cognitive, psychomotor, socio-affective and moral knowledge. On the other hand, encouraging involvement and responsibility in the classroom by the students in physical education classes, is the first step to ensure that the student is motivated and improves their respective learning during the school stage. (Juan Antonio Moreno, Parra, & González, 2008). That is why, the main objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the involvement of compulsory secondary school students in physical education classes, with the academic performance they obtain. Taking advantage of the internship in the center of the city of Ontinyent, the research was conducted through the Spanish version of Moreno, González, & Sicilia, 2007, of the Social Goal Scale-Physical Education (SGS-PE) of (Guan, Xiang, McBride, Bruene, & others, 2006) and an ad-hoc question to measure the academic performance of adolescents, to be later analyzed in the research carried out. The sample of the study was of a total of 107 adolescents, between the ages of 12 and 16, belonging to groups from the 1st to the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education. Among the results we obtained, we emphasize that the greater the involvement in physical education classes, in relation to responsibility and relationship with classmates, is positively and significantly related to the academic performance of adolescents.


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How to Cite

Soto-Rubio, A., Borredá Nadal, S., & Giménez Espert, M. del C. . (2017). Involvement in physical education classes and academic achievement in adolescents . Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from




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