The minor offender as news:

follow-up of a murder case


  • Lidón Villanueva Universitat Jaume I de Castellón; España.
  • Juan Emilio Adrián Universitat Jaume I de Castellón; España.
  • Aitana Gomis-Pomares Universitat Jaume I de Castellón; España.


Mass media, Image rights, Press ideology, Follow-up


The youth offender representation in mass media has an important influence on the construction of public opinion on the topic. The follow-up of a murder case committed by minors, in a moment of law changes in juvenile criminal responsibility in Spain, was carried out in this study, including mass media from different ideologies. The Spanish journals ABC and El País were analysed during 6 months after the crime commission. The quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that there is still a chance of improvement for Spanish mass media in the treatment of minors´ rights, especially for the conservative press. All this jeopardizes the superior minor´s interest and the reintegration and reeducation goals for the youth offender.


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How to Cite

Villanueva, L. ., Adrián, J. E. ., & Gomis-Pomares, A. . (2021). The minor offender as news:: follow-up of a murder case. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 14(2), 54-70. Retrieved from




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