Use of Paradoxical Prescriptions in Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia. Review study


  • Marcelo Rodríguez Ceberio Universidad de Flores


panic, agoraphobia, paradoxical prescriptions, systemic treatment.


Anxiety disorders, mainly panic and agoraphobic disorders, are pathologies that undermine postmodern society. For this reason, effective and short-term treatment is needed. The purpose of this review is to identify the investigations that associate treatments in agoraphobia and panic disorders, that apply the systemic model in psychotherapy and that use the paradoxical prescriptions. A systematic review of the literature has been carried out following the PRISMA guidelines (Urrútia & Bonfill 2010). The databases used were: Scielo, Redalyc and Google academic. The search was configured through the intersection of the descriptors as "panic", "agoraphobia", "paradoxical prescriptions". After carrying out the progression of the concepts in the three search engines and having limited the results to the last 5 years and in Spanish, 2749 articles were obtained. This result was restricted to the discipline "psychology" leaving a total of 190 articles that, suppressing the repetitions and with a manual review to select the relevant ones for the subject, were totaled 8 articles that referred to the search. It was observed that the use of paradoxical prescriptions are not of great application, and that given the results in the investigations we have studied, they would deserve further development given their effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ceberio, M. (2020). Use of Paradoxical Prescriptions in Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia. Review study. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(ESPECIAL), 2-17. Retrieved from



Review article