Health-related Quality of life and social support in Chilean adolescents from risky contexts
Calidad de vida en adolescentes chilenos
calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, adolescentes, apoyo social, riesgo psicosocial, CVRSAbstract
The Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is a subjective assessment that the person makes of his or her life in relation to the normative standards of the society to which the person belongs. In risky contexts, a decrease in physical and mental well-being is more likely to be observed in adolescents. The study of HRQoL promoves the use of well-being indicators to establish public policies and health programs in contexts of high social risk. This study analyzes the HRQoL of 246 vulnerable Chilean students (9 to 16 years old), to compare it with the Chilean and European standards of adolescent population, and analyze its relationship with socio-family variables and perceived social support. They completed the KIDSCREEN-27 and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and their parents provided sociodemographic data. These Chilean students showed a significantly lower HRQoL than the comparison populations. Girls and older participants had lower HRQoL. Children of mothers with higher educational levels had greater well-being. Social support from those closest to the adolescents is associated with their perceived HRQOL. The lower perception of HRQoL in adolescents in contexts of very high social risk is confirmed. Support is presented as a resource associated with a better CVRS.
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