La Coexistence in socio-educational contexts

the need for intercultural education


  • Miguel Ángel Albalá Genol Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Facultad de Educación; España.
  • Juan Ignacio Guido Universidad Internacional de Valencia. Facultad de Educación; España.
  • María Fernanda del Real Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Facultad de Educación; España.


Intercultural education, Multiculturality, Coexistence, Inclusion


In the last decades, one of the significant changes experienced both at the societal and educational level has been the increasing presence of cultural diversity. This is so significant that in the future, the construction citizenship that upholds democratic principles cannot overlook considerations regarding respect for cultural diversity and the educational measures aimed at promoting intercultural coexistence. The objectives of this study are: first, to analyze the current situation and future challenges concerning cultural diversity from a world where global migration movements continue to grow; second, to review models, theoretical approaches, and practical experiences in intercultural education for the upcoming world, providing responses to future challenges. Given the numerous difficulties and issues arising from coexistence that often lacks the inclusive principles of interculturality, education is considered an essential domain in the pursuit of building more just and inclusive societies in the future.


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How to Cite

Albalá Genol, M. Ángel, Guido, J. I., & del Real, M. F. (2023). La Coexistence in socio-educational contexts: the need for intercultural education. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 16(2), 26-41. Retrieved from




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