he psychological impact of infertility on patients undergoing assisted reproductive treatment


  • Raquel Putin Saura Universidad Ramon Llull
  • Olga Herrero Esquerdo Universidad Ramon Llull; Barcelona, España.
  • Emma Ribas Rabert Women’s Health Institute. Clínica Ginecológica Carmona Dexeus; Barcelona, España.
  • Sergi Corbella Universidad Ramon Llull; Barcelona, España.


Infertility, Emotional distress, Grief, Sense-making, Adaptive resources, Partner relationship


Facing a diagnosis of infertility and its subsequent treatment generates emotional impact and a process of grief. This study aims to contribute to knowledge about the experience of individuals undergoing assisted reproductive treatments. A correlational and cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 105 individuals (48 men and 57 women) to determine differences in emotional distress, personal and interpersonal adaptive resources based on gender and type of infertility, and to identify relationships between emotional distress, resources, and partner relationships. Additionally, the relationship between sense-making and emotional distress was analysed based on gender and type of infertility. The results show that women have higher levels of emotional distress than men, while men show more resources than women. Furthermore, significant negative relationships were found between emotional distress and partner relationships, as well as between sense-making and emotional distress. These results provide protective and risk indicators that should be considered in psychological interventions, and we introduce a new variable to consider: sense-making.


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How to Cite

Putin Saura, R., Herrero Esquerdo, O., Ribas Rabert, E., & Corbella, S. (2023). he psychological impact of infertility on patients undergoing assisted reproductive treatment. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 16(2), 2-25. Retrieved from http://revistacdvs.uflo.edu.ar/index.php/CdVUFLO/article/view/395


