Motivation and physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic in adults from AMBA


  • Silvana Baró
  • Nicolas Rudoni Universidad de Flores


Physical activity, Motivation, COVID-19


This research had the objective of exploring the motivations to practice physical activity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in adults who are physically active. It was carried out with a qualitative methodology through a case study design. Interviews in depth were carried out to 12 participants of both sexes between 20 and 35 years old, residentes from AMBA. The participants have expressed that their main motivations to do physical activity were integral health, enjoyment, social relationships, skill development, attitude of a professional that accompanies physical activity and aesthetic issues. Likewise, the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the practice of physical activity was investigated. In conclusion, it is considered that motivation plays a very important role in starting a physical activity. In addition, the time of pandemic and confinement has led participants to have to readapt their motivation and physical activity to perform or maintain it again. A difference has been found in both sexes, where to a greater extent women refer that the aesthetic issue is one of their motivations that has a certain influence to do physical activity.


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How to Cite

Baró, S., & Rudoni, N. (2022). Motivation and physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic in adults from AMBA. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 15(2), 43-50. Retrieved from


