Work situations that generate stress in veterinarians


  • Patricia Alvez Veleda Universidade Federal de Santa María; Brasil.


Agotamiento profesional, Estrés laboral, Medicina veterinaria


Veterinarians frequently encounter trauma, pain, suffering, and death in their work, and are thus subjected to professional burnout. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the events that generate stress in these professionals. For this purpose, qualitative research was conducted with 123 veterinary medicine workers, who were providing direct assistance to patients in the city of Santa Maria/RS, through an open questionnaire administered online between June and July 2021. The results show that the work situations that generate stress among veterinarians are associated with overwork, pressure from managers and employers, professional devaluation, relationship problems with colleagues, and difficulties in dealing with guardians. In contrast, few workers have developed personal tactics to face work stress. Identification of these situations is essential for the development of strategies in search of better working conditions and quality of professional life among veterinarians.


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How to Cite

Alvez Veleda, P. (2023). Work situations that generate stress in veterinarians. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 16(1), 87-96. Retrieved from


