Systematic review of stress, social isolation and COVID-19


  • Marinalva Batista dos Santos Neves Universidad de Flores; Argentina.
  • Selediana de Souza Godinho Universidad de Flores; Argentina.


Stress, Social isolation, Covid-19


Social isolation can create stress. The aim of this article is to describe the impacts caused by stress during social isolation in the Covid-19 pandemic. We used the PRISMA-NMA methodology with systematic review of the databases (REDIB, DOAJ, Redalyc, BMJ, VHL, Scielo, Dialnet and PubMed) and obtained 27 articles. The results indicate that the impacts caused by social isolation/Pandemic Covid-19 directly affect mental health, with consequences also observed in the fields: economic, education, gender among others. This review shows that further research is still needed to expand the investigation.


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How to Cite

Batista dos Santos Neves, M. ., & de Souza Godinho, S. (2021). Systematic review of stress, social isolation and COVID-19. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 14(2), 15-32. Retrieved from




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