Insomnia and suicidal ideation in adults: the mediating role of hopelessness


  • Jonatan Baños-Chaparro Sociedad Peruana de Psicometría; Perú.


insomnia, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, mediation, adults


Sleep problems and suicidal thoughts are common in adults in the general population. In this regard, empirical evidence has identified that insomnia is related to suicidal ideation (SI) and is an important risk factor. However, the mechanisms underlying the relationship between both constructs are unknown. The aim of the study was to estimate the probable mediation of hopelessness in the association between insomnia and SI in a sample of Peruvian adults from the general population. A total of 567 adults (75.1% were women), selected by convenience sampling and inclusion criteria, participated. All completed self-report measures of insomnia, SI and hopelessness. Mediation analysis was performed using structural equation modeling and structural invariance of the model by sex. The results showed that hopelessness is a partial mediator of the relationship between insomnia and SI. Furthermore, the structural model presented measurement invariance for both males and females. Therefore, the study findings suggest that hopelessness may be a primary target for assessment and intervention to reduce the magnitude and frequency of SI among general population adults with insomnia problems.


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How to Cite

Baños-Chaparro, J. (2022). Insomnia and suicidal ideation in adults: the mediating role of hopelessness. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 15(2), 15-28. Retrieved from


