The relationship between the tendency of adolescents to victimization behavior and their self-esteem


  • Olga Olegovna Andronnikova


victim behavior, self-esteem, self-relations


This research examined the relationship of different types of victimization of children with their self-esteem. We described the specific difficulties of the crisis of adolescence, reflected on the victimization vulnerability of the individual. The Central assumption was the finding that the characteristics of the self-assessment of victimization of adolescents have behavioral specificity. Were examined in 135 (54 boys and 81 girls) pupils of graduation classes of schools using the four diagnostic techniques, one of which is original. On the basis of obtained results, it is concluded that there is a relationship between self-esteem of a teenager and prone to victim behavior. Peculiarities of personal self-esteem and self-respect parameters for different types of victim behavior with the reliability of p<0.05. Adolescents with aggressive behavior, victimization, demonstrate inflated self-esteem, do not see their own shortcomings, show vivid emotional displays, especially in stressful and dangerous situations, but have a reduced self-esteem. The tendency to be very social behavior are also associated with high self-esteem and self-acceptance. The propensity for the dependent, helpless behavior observed low self-esteem and negative emotions in the address. Also, the tendency to self-destructive behavior and self-destructive behavior negatively related to self-esteem and positively with self-incriminatory trends.


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How to Cite

Olegovna Andronnikova, O. . (2021). The relationship between the tendency of adolescents to victimization behavior and their self-esteem. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 14(1), 59-68. Retrieved from


