Formación para mediadores en habilidades comunicativas y emocionales para mejorar su intervención y prevenir el acoso escolar


  • Susana Avivar Cáceres Universidad de Valencia
  • María del Carmen Giménez Espert Universidad Europea de Valencia
  • Ana Soto-Rubio Universitat de València


Peer mediation, training, assertiveness, empathy, active listening.


A Peer Mediation program can be a very effective method to prevent bullying (Boqué, 2014; Noaks & Noaks 2006). This study aims to prove how training in 4 psychological skills as Empathy, Assertiveness, Active listening and Proactivity enriches mediators´ performances in order to improve the School´s climate, as Emotional Education is essential to get a balance between reason and emotional response (Lantieri, 2001). The training was held in a British Secondary school in Valencia (Spain) during the Second and Third Term of 2015/2016. We trained 15 mediators for the experimental group and measured the school´s climate before the training and after the evaluation of 10 mediations, using a questionnaire of 36 items with a 5-level Likert scale in a sample of 42 students aged from 11 to 15 years old, aleatory divided in experimental (N=22) and control (N=21). The necessary consents from the school´s parents and ethical university commission were obtained before recruiting the children. The experimental group improved its perception of the School´s climate significantly (M=3.96, SE=.046) than control (M=3.70, SE=.030, t (40) =-4.58, p<.05, r=0.99). Despite only having a small sample and little time to develop the program, we saw how these psychological strategies aided the mediators´ interventions to help change the students’ perceptions to a more positive and safer relationship with both peers and teachers at school, and we expect that this pilot program will lead to more thorough research.


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How to Cite

Avivar Cáceres, S. ., Giménez Espert, M. del C. ., & Soto-Rubio, A. (2017). Formación para mediadores en habilidades comunicativas y emocionales para mejorar su intervención y prevenir el acoso escolar. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from




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