Analysis of self-compassion, life satisfaction and attitudes towards inclusion in university students


: self-compassion, life satisfaction, attitudes, inclusion.


This paper aims to describe and analyze the relationships between the attitude of university students in the educational field towards inclusion in their classrooms with two constructs such as self-pity and life satisfaction. The sample analyzed consists of 477 students from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Valencia. The degrees involved come from the Infantile Degree, the Primary Degree, the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training, various other master’s degrees and the dual Bachelor’s Degree in Nursery and Primary Education. The instruments used for this are: Attitudes to inclusion (SACIE-R), Life Satisfaction (SWLS), Self-compassion Scale (SCS). The results show that there is a significant correlation between attitudes to inclusion and life satisfaction. However, we see how the latter correlates significantly but in a negative sense self-pity. Finally, it emerges from these analyses that women have a greater attitude towards inclusion than men and that satisfaction with life decreases significantly at the later ages of the sample.


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How to Cite

Analysis of self-compassion, life satisfaction and attitudes towards inclusion in university students. (2020). Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(1), 2-16. Retrieved from


