The Animal welfare in equines according to the IPAE model


Animal welfare, environmental enrichment, equine assisted interventions, equine welfare


The Equine-Assisted Interventions (IAE), are widespread in the last ten years, so it is necessary to focus on the well-being of Animals. The role of the horse in the IAE, is the extension of analog communication, works like a mirror in the expression of the participant's different moods. The IAE involves a joint work between the horse and the consultant, who are in a resolution space in the "here and now". Each situation poses a difficulty or obstacle that participants must solve and, in doing so, must compromise not only their personal tools, but also their capacity for empathy and contact. Studies, find that the horse can perceive our emotions through the sound of our voice and gesture (Kosuke, Takimoto-Inose & Hasegawa, 2018). Therefore, the action of empathizing in the various activities in which equine is included involves an effort on its part. The quantity and quality of hours of participation should be taken into account, guarding the exhaustion by empathy. The Integrated Model of Psychotherapy and Learnings Assisted with Horses (IPAE), emphasizes, as one of its theoretical pillars, control and follow. Therefore, the action of empathizing in the various activities in which equine is included involves an effort on its part. The quantity and quality of hours of participation should be taken into account, guarding the exhaustion by empathy. The Integrated Model of Psychotherapy and Learning assisted with Horses (IPAE), emphasizes, as one of its theoretical pillars, the control and monitoring of the bio-psychological well-being of co-therapists, i.e. horses. No activity that compromises the inclusion of animals may be carried out without taking into account the healthy status of the members of the treatment team.


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How to Cite

The Animal welfare in equines according to the IPAE model. (2020). Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(Especial), 184-194. Retrieved from