A comprehensive approach for human and animal violence, using the One Health, One Welfare framework


  • Evelyn Segredo Grupo Académico de Investigación en Antrozoología (GAIA)


One Health, One Welfare, human animal violence, public policies.


Violence is a multicausal, and diffuse phenomenon, that conveys a strong learning component, culturally established, and caused by a dysfunction in the social structure. It is the overall consequence of human transversal and complex issues, such as poverty, and is one of the clearest expressions of injustice, inequity, and violation of human rights. Notions of what is acceptable and unacceptable in terms of behaviour, and what is defined as harmful, are constantly under review as values and social norms evolve. The scope of moral and ethical codes throughout the world makes the topic of violence one of the most challenging and
sensitive to address, although highly necessary. The past decade has been subject of a growing scope of empirical evidence on the matter, demonstrating that interpersonal violence, negligence and animal abuse are intimately related. On a global perspective, the ecological theory of violence sustains that the environmental context of an individual,constitutes a potential risk factor for developing violent behaviour. Consequently, culture plays a determining role in the acceptance of violent practices. Analysing the family structure, dysfunctional and pathological intrafamily links are predisposing factors for future violent behaviors in people. In reference to the asymmetrical and exercise-of-power partnerships that characterise violence, this form of
relationship is expressed towards different populations, whether they are humans (children, elders, women), or animals; all of which have similar vulnerable characteristics. This event is known as ``The Link Theory``. Today, the challenge arises in defining animal abuse, in identifying violent acts, and redirecting decision making to prevent this occurrence. Addressing human-animal violence requires political will, a financial promotor, also, national, regional and international collaborative and inter-agency efforts. The Public Health approach defines the development of public policies at all three levels of prevention. The following report aims to review the latest evidence on the subject, providing the reader with strategic lines, tools and reflections on the most negative aspects of human animal interaction, and the inherent complex nature that characterises violence. 


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How to Cite

Segredo, E. (2020). A comprehensive approach for human and animal violence, using the One Health, One Welfare framework. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(Especial), 220-254. Retrieved from http://revistacdvs.uflo.edu.ar/index.php/CdVUFLO/article/view/292