Some health characteristics in persons with DM2 middle age with and without companion dogs


alcoholism, companion animals, diabetes, psychotropic drugs, physical activities, tobacco addiction


A study was made with the objective to describe the consumption of toxic substances (alcoholic beverages, tobacco and psychotropic drugs) and the motivation to perform physical activities, in middle aged patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) with and without pet dogs, under medical care at the center for the care of persons suffering from diabetes belonging to the National Institute of Endocrinology in Havana, Cuba. In order to do this, a quantitative methodological design, of descriptive, cross section and comparative character was made, including 48 patients divided into two homogeneous groups composed by 17 women and 7 men each. When variables were evaluated it was found that there was less consumption of toxic substances in patients who had pets under their care and that patients who had dogs performed most of their physical and sports activities motivated by the fact that they were responsible for their pets. It is recommended to continue these studies, enlarge the representative portion and include other groups of patients being taken care of at this institution.


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How to Cite

Some health characteristics in persons with DM2 middle age with and without companion dogs. (2020). Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(Especial), 166-174. Retrieved from