Practical guide for the incorporation of pets in the family genogram


Companion animal, family, genogram, pet, psychoterapy.


Families are the main linking unit in the human species. Within it, rules, functions, identifying figures and relational styles are developed, which involve all its members. Nowadays, pets have become one more family member, their most remarkable characteristics being their affection, perseverance, acceptance and lack of judgment. Hence, the relevance of incorporating companion animals in clinical evaluations of their guardians and families is highlighted. Although the genogram is a frequently used tool for this purpose, the inclusion of pets —only recently proposed— is somewhat ambiguous and unclear. Therefore, this article aims to provide a guide for the systematization of the human-animal genograms. In addition, three clinical examples are analyzed and proposals for activities to incorporate animals in the genogram workshop are presented.


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How to Cite

Practical guide for the incorporation of pets in the family genogram. (2020). Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(Especial), 110-125. Retrieved from