Elements of ethology for a critical anthrozoology


  • Héctor Ricardo Ferrari Cátedra de Etología – FCNyM – UNLP


Anthropocentrism, anthrozoology, ethology, exceptionalism.


We develop a conversion of the description of human-animal relationships from the explanations generated by ethology, to describe them in terms of behavioral coordination. We suggest calling this approach critical anthrozology, and we propose it as a non-anthropo-exceptionalist scheme. We suggest that the understanding / explanation of the link, in the current state of anthropization of our planet, is achieved more by the position of each entity in the communicational network that it stars, than by its species.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, H. R. . (2020). Elements of ethology for a critical anthrozoology. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(Especial), 62-72. Retrieved from http://revistacdvs.uflo.edu.ar/index.php/CdVUFLO/article/view/280