Can behavioral activation be implemented for depression in adolescence? A systematic review of the literature


  • Gabriel Genise Universidad de Flores


Depression, Behavioral Activation, Adolescence


Depression in adolescents is a mental health problem that is increasing. The prevalence of this disorder ranges between 4 and 5%. It is associated with high levels of relapse and recurrence throughout life. Behavioral Activation (BA) is a program that has demonstrated in numerous studies its efficacy for this psychopathology. We searched for original articles published between 2007 and 2019 in Spanish and English in electronic databases DOAJ, Wiley Online Library and Google Scholar. Initially 258,652 articles were obtained. 19 articles were identified from the enhanced search that were taken into account for analysis, 258,625 were eliminated because their content was not completely related to the subject of study. Of the studies reviewed, the heterogeneity in the adaptation of the programs was observed, there were several BA protocols adapted to the adolescent population with Major Depressive Disorder, but with few empirical studies that reinforce the efficacy of the treatment. However, it is evident that the results obtained in the application of the protocols are beneficial and achieve the decrease and even the symptomatic remission.


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How to Cite

Genise, G. (2020). Can behavioral activation be implemented for depression in adolescence? A systematic review of the literature. Calidad De Vida Y Salud Journal, 13(ESPECIAL), 30-41. Retrieved from



Review article